MP ROTAC Recording
Trauma Responsive Training – Communities Part 1
Drawing from current theory and practice in Trauma Responsive Care and Addiction Recovery, this micro training series will cover key core concepts, practices, and skills, with a focus on...
Mindfulness Monday – Practices to Promote Mental Well-Being & Resilience Micro-Trainings
Mindfulness is an evidenced-based way to effectively decrease stress and increase personal well-being and resilience. In collaboration with the Opioid Response Network (ORN), we are excited to continue Mindfulness...
Caring for the Caregiver: The Importance of Emotional Wellness for Families Título del seminario web: Cuidar al cuidador: la importancia del bienestar emocional para las familias
Este seminario web de una hora destaca el papel esencial que desempeña el cuidado emocional para los familiares que apoyan a un ser querido que lucha con problemas de...
Mindfulness Monday – Practices to Promote Mental Well-Being & Resilience Micro-Trainings
Mindfulness is an evidenced-based way to effectively decrease stress and increase personal well-being and resilience. In collaboration with the Opioid Response Network (ORN), we are excited to continue Mindfulness...
Workshop Wednesday – Stigma Awareness
An Introduction to the Ripples of Recovery Anti-Stigma Toolkit