MHTTC Webinar

Changing the Narrative to Capture the Strength and Resilience of Indigenous Youth in Rural America

22 Feb 2024

By reframing the conversation, we can contribute to a broader understanding of the diverse strengths within Indigenous communities, fostering a greater appreciation for their resilience, resourcefulness, and the invaluable...

Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach in Rural Behavioral Health Setting

16 Jan 2024

Emerging research has documented the relationships among exposure to traumatic events, impaired neurodevelopmental and immune systems responses and subsequent health risk behaviors resulting in chronic physical or behavioral health...

Overcoming Stigma: Actions to Improve Adolescent Mental Health

16 Jan 2024

Identify stigma around mental health. Understand stigma as a barrier to early intervention among youth seeking mental health services. Discuss causes and solutions to mental health stigma among adolescents.